Thursday, April 19, 2012


For over centuries womans rights have been robbed from our hands. They say that "Men and Woman are created equal" but in fact are  they? In the 18th century a woman would be cateriogized in society based on her husband's identity. No why should I be known for my husband when I am a person myself. Why should woman stand behind a man and not beside him. Is it that men fear that woman can be in control too? It has been like this then and it continues to be like it. Although woman are given their "RIGHTS" are we really righteous in doing things? Think about it.

Woman in the 18th century were stripped away the right to vote, the right to voice their opinions, the right to be accepted for what they are. When thought of woman no one would consider a lawyer or hard worker. They would automatically think "Oh thats just another house wife". It kills me to think of this that way. We as woman have so much potential and drive as men, maybe even more!

Its sad to say that some things will never change, like how we as woman are viewed in society. How a man with the same qualifications as a woman is usually given the job first. We are human we are people, "Dont Judge a book by its cover", because you never know what someone is capable of until they do it.

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