Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Watching the Vietnam War from up close

In 1963 Americas way in which they gathered
information was changed forever. People were
now watching the news on televisions rather
than reading the news on newspaper. Television
gave people the opportunity of being there
without actually having to be there. So many
people started to like the fact that the news
over the television told them more than news
arttcles would.

During the Vietnam was Americans felt that
it was the right thing to do. The Americans
had the right to invade another country
without analyzing the consequence that came
with that action.  Troops were invading Vietnams
civilians and torching their homes down, without
a fair warning either. How could we be so ignorant
and speak english to people that only speak their own language. Thats like teaching a deaf person how to
listen it is impossible.

The news about the vietnam war showed Americans that the war had no purpose, that we were just sending out trrops out there just to fight, to lose their lives. America was a bullying and for the first time in life people had the advantage to see and give their own opinion about the war. We were killing innocent lives for no purpose at all.

Television finally helps end the war,
television showed American that
we were not winning the war in vietnam.
Americasn witnessed in color that an
Americasn shot an untried prisoneer
in cold blood on a Saigon street. The truth
had finally been released, people now
realized that they were supporting a hideous
war and they wanted nothing to do with it.
It states and I requite on page 208, "When
television news brought the "worst aspects"
of the Vietnam War into the American
living room, it was doing its job- and doing
it will

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Woman In the Workforce

Like in many societies woman are view and weak and dependent. They are the homemakers, they make the beds, meals,and take care of their children and husbands after a hard long day. This was all dramatically changed during the start of  
World War II when about 12 million woman agreed to work outside of their homes. This was their chance to prove to people but most importantly men that they too can work. That they too are capable of doing what men do and even more. This was there chance to fight for Equality, for the right of change!!!

Woman were sent to many types of 
jobs, from being nurses to engineering. 
They were getting the job done and
were extremely well at it. Maybe 
they were to well. The difference about 
men and woman is that woman have
an eye for design, an eye to notice
what is wrong and when it is wrong.
Many people raved that woman have
moved up along, showing that they
were capable of working and taking
care of their family without any 

In society like today we are told that men
are to give us woman what we need. To depend
on a man to fore fill our dreams. That we must 
be swept off out feet, but is that so. Yes man feel
that they must provide woman with everything that
she desires, but is that all he really wants to do. Or is it
that society tells him to do so. In the early 1940's if
 a woman chose to go to work it was because her 
family was in need. That her husband was a failure
to her and her children, now where is the justice in that?
 A woman should be allowed to work because she has
the "CHOICE" to work. As goes for a man if he chooses
to stay home and care for his family.

Woman have come along a long way but they have succeed in showing people that they can work just as hard and just as good as men. Even after World War II woman were given the choice to keep their jobs. At that time many radio shows and magazines got a rave from it. The glamorized woman were now working in smacks and slacks. The proved that not only can they work but they also conserve that woman attitude and appearance. They left a huge mark in American History!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


For over centuries womans rights have been robbed from our hands. They say that "Men and Woman are created equal" but in fact are  they? In the 18th century a woman would be cateriogized in society based on her husband's identity. No why should I be known for my husband when I am a person myself. Why should woman stand behind a man and not beside him. Is it that men fear that woman can be in control too? It has been like this then and it continues to be like it. Although woman are given their "RIGHTS" are we really righteous in doing things? Think about it.

Woman in the 18th century were stripped away the right to vote, the right to voice their opinions, the right to be accepted for what they are. When thought of woman no one would consider a lawyer or hard worker. They would automatically think "Oh thats just another house wife". It kills me to think of this that way. We as woman have so much potential and drive as men, maybe even more!

Its sad to say that some things will never change, like how we as woman are viewed in society. How a man with the same qualifications as a woman is usually given the job first. We are human we are people, "Dont Judge a book by its cover", because you never know what someone is capable of until they do it.